Muntadar al-Zaidi. That name should be known all around the world at this moment. The reason?? He is the journalist that threw both his shoes at President Bush yesterday at a conference.
Officers at the TV station he works on say he should be freed because he was exercising freedom of expression.
I don't know how education is in Irak, but as far as I'm concerned, you might disagree with somebod, and yes, you have the freedom to say so. But from expressing an opinion to attempting to hurt somebody there's a biiig difference.
We still wonder why there's no peace in the world?? If people don't learn to solve conflicts and/or disagreements peacefully, that will never work. Imagine if every time I had an argument with anybody I took my shoes off and started throwing them to people??
On the other side of the coin other people as Mom think that he was right to do it. The US invaded Irak and some people are desperat eright now.
That is true, I have not a doubt about it, but should a new conflict start again when everything seems to be about to end? In a couple of years troops will be leaving Irak.
Anyway, everyone can have their own opinions. Just as a little gift I'll leave you the link to the video. It's kind of funny to watch Bush trying to dodge the shoe!! :P
P.S. I received the other package today!! I saw all the presents, however I only opened the little jacket!!(I wanted to save something for Christmas day ;D) I looooove it! Tomorrow I'm goin got wear it. Everybody liked the sweets, but we are going to save them for Christmas, when everybody is here :)