Saturday, September 13, 2008

Let's Get Started!

Hi everyone! This'll be my blog for this year, so that you can know what I've been up to in the other side of the world (meaning Virginia Beach :P)

Today we don't know what we're going to do. Adka, a girl from Slovakia who stayed with the Reeds 5 years ago is spending some days with us. She's marvelous!! It's one of those people that you might not notice on the street, but once you stop and look at her carefully you find out a really pretty girl!

Maybe we're going to a city called Williamsburg (nobody told me what's in there), but it's not 100 per cent sure... We have to wait till Mom wakes up (that'll be 1 pm or so :O)... She's just like a vampire!! stays until 5 in the morning and then wakes up late.

Right now I'm feeling a bit down... I always do in the mornings. My dreams aren't very pleasant, and since I've been here it's always the same thing: I go back to Spain, and when somebody asks me how my year was I can't remember anything at all. As if I hadn't ever been there. I know that's a sign of frustration, the question is why am I frustrated? Oh man, I hope it ends soon, it's like I don't rest well and I'm tired all day long :O

Right know I don't have many things to tell, so pleaaaaase leave comments and let me know how everything's going there!! I'll read them once a week, so I don't see much spanish ;) (also you could try and do it in English... that sure would be fun :P)

Lost of love everyone, and have a nice day!! :D


PS: On the upper left corner of the pager are the webs I often visit. In photobucket I'll post most of the pictures so i don't have to email them. Don't forget to check it out!! :)


Antonio said...

Hola, Muy interesante. Very interesting, my daughter.

Sobre el sueño...ya sabes el dicho, mas vale lapiz pequeño que memoria larga. Vete a la cama con lapiz y papel y asi no tendras probelmas en recordar todo.

Un beso y ya sabes. Be safe, take care.

Ana Martín said...

Ok my darling, I like you are fine and I think you are all rigth in this family!

Excuse me the mistakes, I love you, mom.

Ana Martín said...

Hello Elena!! I'm mom. I say you that papá and me will go to the Rastro this morning.

Nos hemos hecho fotos y te las mandamos esta tarde (esto ya no me sale).

I love you, XXX, mom.

pilarin!!!! said...

Hola nena!!!
Que sepas que yo te voy a escribir en ESPAÑOL por dos cosillas:
1ª: Para que no se te olvide esl ESPAÑOL.
2ª: Para no dejarte mal con mi nivel de inglés. (jaja)
Bueno nena pues nada por aquí todo va como siempre yo ayer estuve en la concentración motera y hoy me he tenido que levantar super pronto para irme a tocar.
Por lo del sueño lo que tienes que hacer es comprarte un diario o una libreta y apuntar por las noches TODO lo que has hecho en el dia asi cuando vuelvas pues no lo cuentas todo y no se te olvida nada.
A la que nos tienes que contar las cosas eres tu por que aquí a nosotras más o menos nos pasa lo de siempre ( aunque si algún día tuvieramos algo distinto ya te lo diriamos)
Bueno nena va ser hora de ir despidiendome porque te abia escrito otro mensaje que habia quedado más chulo pero se me reiniciado el ordenador asi que te quedas con este menos currado jaja


PS:Como llevas lo de echarte amigos a que no has tenido ningún problema?? bueno espero que no.

Ana Martín said...

Hello my darling! How are you?

Espero que bien, como verás siempre te cae uno mío.

Bueno, luego te escribo un e-mail más largo y te cuento....

Un beso, mamá.

Anonymous said...

Holaa elenaa!
¿Qué tal? Espero que muy bien :P aquí todo como siempre sin ningún cambio, ya sabes que cuando aya algo te contaré absolutamente todo! xDDD

Comprate un diario, acuerdate que dijistes que ibas a apuntar todo lo que te pasaba así luego te acordarias y no te dejarias ningún detalle :P

Bueno cariñññooo mio! te dejo ya te dejare más mensajitos aquí y en el tuenti! *-*


Beatriz said...

Hello princessssss!!!! How are you! Here everybdoy are fine!!!! The grandfather is better and the grandmother is fine too and You know that I have depression because I have to work but this isn`t new jejejeje!!!

Good I think that It´s a good idea this blog!!! and I want to say you congratulations!!! I have leave you now but I´ll write you this days and tell you the news.

Kisses, I love you


PD. Sorry for my mistakes but don´t forget that I´m in 1º jejejej

Beatriz said...

Hello princessssss!!!! How are you! Here everybdoy are fine!!!! The grandfather is better and the grandmother is fine too and You know that I have depression because I have to work but this isn`t new jejejeje!!!

Good I think that It´s a good idea this blog!!! and I want to say you congratulations!!! I have leave you now but I´ll write you this days and tell you the news.

Kisses, I love you


PD. Sorry for my mistakes but don´t forget that I´m in 1º jejejej

Esme said...

Ey darling!!!!

I'll try write you in english, but it's not easy :S

Well... Don't worry about the dream, I hope it is only that, a dream, and when you come back to Spain you will have marvelous memories ans stories to tell us. I'm sure!

Like Pilar and Celia have said to you, here is everyting equal.
We'll write yo you is something happen^^

A lot os kisses and my best wishes for you!!
Have a great time, and write soon!

(I hope you'll understand it, and don't have a lot of mistakes -.-')


pilarin!!!! said...

How are you? I fine , bueno ya en ESPAÑOL que ya no se poner mas jaja.
Por aqui todo esta bien no te preocupes demasiado con lo de los sueños por que eso es solamente hasta que te acostumbres.
Yo a mediados de semana te volvere a escribir y a contarte todo lo que me haya pasado en las fiestas.
Esme se viene con migo el sabado y a Celia no la dejan o no puede asi q... pero bueno el jueves te digo como me a ido las fiestas y el insti que yo aun estando en fiestas me voy a ir al insti jaja

Bueno nena te dejo muchos besos ya te contare
PS: pondre fotitos mias de todos los dias para que veas como me vissto y de Esme jaja