So today I was watching the food chanel, and a girl was making pizza (and by the way it looked awesome.... :P). SO I really felt like doing something like that, so I started looking up pizza dough recipes, when I remembered that in Spain we have something better, and I was good at making it!! (that's the most important part, actually :P)
Sooo I was wondering if you could send me the whole recipe for empanada Mom?? I want to make it one of these weekends, and I will make it with tuna fish and eggs and green pepper.
Today it snowed here!! We didnt have school off, but we had a 2 hour delay so instead of starting at 7.20, school started at 9.20. I was soooooooooooooo happy!! For the first time since I'm here I woke up for school and there was light outside :p Now Rose and I are praying that it'll snow a little more tonight and tomorrow we won't have school.
Even though it didn't snow much, in a place like this it is a big deal. Nobody is used to driving with ice, so ther were lots of accidents. In fact, when Ubie was taking us to school we had a little accident. The car in front of us stopped suddenly and we crashed into it. It wasn't much, but because it was a big car and UBie's is very small, it was all crushed (poor little fellow :O) The insurance company will take care of everything but now he has to wait until they fix his car.
It was actually a very weird day, because everything went by very quickly. I really wish I didn't have to wake up at 6.30 everydayyyy!!
Well, that's all for today. Tomorrow Rose is giving a concert, so we weill go and see it. On the 13th Ja, the little (or not so little anymore!) Thai girl will come. I'm really looking forward to meeting her. She is going to be working, so she'll stay until June.
By the way, what happened with the plane tickets?? could you do it??
Please don't forget to send me the recipe so I can look at it this weekend!! :D
PS. Por cierto, teneis qeu ver este video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-_YfFtHFVM
Mirad que arte tiene la abuela, que manera de hablar, que arte, que pueblerina!! xDD Si es que como las abuelas espa;olas no hay nada!!!
No te preocupes cariño, te mando la receta por e-mail...
Ya me dijo el abuelo ayer que estaba nevando por la costa este y yo le dije, pero en Virginia no, porque ayer hablamos con Elena y estaba lloviendo, pero nada más...
A ver que tal con niña que llega, espero que bien.
Un besote, te quiero, mamá.
Te mando otra receta de batido de fresas
8 fresas, 1 vaso de leche, dos cucharaditas de azúcar. Batir todo muy bien.
Creo que esto sí te lo podrás hacer, no? Puedes utilizar otras frutas y me parece una buena merienda ahora que llega el calorcito..
Bueno hiji, a ver si haces la empanada, que no se tarda nada y es una muy buena merienda..
Te quiero, un besos, mamá.
Hola cariño!!!!!!!!!!!!
Espero que todo vaya bien y que no estés muy nerviosa para el baile...Yo sí lo estoy porque sé que vas a estar guapísima....Hazte muchas fotos y luego me las mandas, vale???
Qué tal la semana??? Por aquí bien, todo igual, aunque en la oficina mucho trabajo.
Sabes, Carlota ha tenido un accidente en el cole, me ha escrito Sus para decírmelo y decirnos que Carlota no puede escribir, aunque nosotras sí...Yo le voy a mandar un correo..parece ser que se quedó clavada por el brazo con un pico de una verja y tuvieron que ir los bomberos, una ambulancia...menudo follón....no ha sido nada, solo unos puntos en el agujero que se ha hecho en el brazo, lo justo para que no pueda escribir...
Bueno cariño, el domingo hablamos y me das pelos y señales de todos los detalles del baile, ok...
Un beso muy fuerte, te quiero, mamá.
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